Fractions Practice Paper 2 for Primary 5


Fractions Practice Paper for Primary 5

Name: ___________________ Date: _______________

1. Understanding Fractions

  • Draw a rectangle and divide it into 8 equal parts. Shade 5 parts and write the fraction that represents the shaded area.

2. Equivalent Fractions

  • Find two fractions that are equivalent to 46.

3. Simplifying Fractions

  • Simplify the fraction 1824 to its lowest terms.

4. Adding and Subtracting Fractions

  • Add 37 and 27.
  • Subtract 58 from 34.

5. Multiplying Fractions

  • Calculate 23×94. Simplify your answer if necessary.

6. Dividing Fractions

  • Divide 12 by 34 and simplify the result.

7. Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

  • Convert the mixed number 2 15 into an improper fraction.

8. Fraction Word Problems

  • If a cake is cut into 8 equal slices and John eats 3 slices, what fraction of the cake is left?

9. Comparing Fractions

  • Which is larger: 59 or 47? Show your work.

Extra Challenge:

  • 10. Complex Operations: Solve the following:
    Remember to follow the order of operations.

11. Application in Real Life:

  • Sarah has 34 of a ribbon. She used 23 of it for a project. What fraction of the original ribbon does she have left?

Instructions: Show all your calculations and use the back of the paper if you need more space. Good luck!


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